Student Welfare

Students only have one childhood, and we know that each day is the opportunity to grow and develop in our learning; to build knowledge, resilience, tolerance and to develop our interest in the world around us. Every moment is precious at school; we learn to persevere, become resilient, to be healthy, to have friends and to be respectful; we are not afraid to make mistakes along the way.  

At Urban Mission School (UMS) we believe that everyone is special – the students, parents, staff and management committees. Together we all support the students in becoming well-rounded individuals and members of local and global communities. Providing students with opportunities to integrate with their peers and with the wider community, we will enable all students to discover their unique strengths and talents. In order to be able to challenge themselves and carry out tasks independently, students must be able to regulate their behaviour according to the different learning styles demanded in a 21st century classroom.  

We encourage students to concentrate, to be ‘active listeners’ and to develop the capacity to make decisions through rewarding positive behaviours. Good concentration, the ability to question appropriately, self-motivation and self-regulation are key skills. We aim to help students adapt their behaviour sensitively and sensibly to the many different contexts in which they will find themselves, now and in the future. At UMS we adopt a relational approach to behaviour and anti-bullying. The guiding principles outlined in this policy are in place to ensure our school is an Attachment and Trauma Aware setting; we use the knowledge of attachment and trauma as the cornerstones of this policy and our practice. 

A Relationship-Based approach to Inclusion

The change in terminology in the 2014 Code of Practice of Special Educational Needs (SEN) recognised that behaviour is a form of communication. Behaviour and Social Difficulties was replaced with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) which helped to promote a shift towards viewing behaviour as a communication of an emotional need, whether conscious or unconscious and responding accordingly.  

We believe that responding to the SEMH needs of a child is everyone’s responsibility 

“Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same (equality). Fairness means everyone gets what they need (equity).” Rick Riordan


Established in 2003, ecclesia is an outreach focused, Bible teaching, community-based Church. Through various means of community engagement, our goal in mission is to display the love of Christ and the attractiveness of the Gospel.  

Operating under the name Urban Mission Schools and Community (UMSC), the leaders of ecclesia have worked in local schools for over 30 years and have a well-established reputation in the local education sector. The work of UMSC extends to other initiatives beyond schools, in an effort to touch all aspects of the community with God’s goodness. 


There are many reasons why some children use strategies which repeatedly upset others.  

The definition for bullying is: Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. (Definition taken from  

Our aim at UMS, in any situation is to always support the children and families. We believe that all children, those acting out of line with the expected behaviour and those on the receiving end should all be supported to understand their behaviour and actions and to become the best versions of themselves. 

Staff recruitment, induction and training

UMS follows a recruitment process that makes sure all appropriate checks are carried out on staff and volunteers to ensure they are suitable to work with students and young people.  

Before beginning any work at UMS where they will have regular and sustained contact with students, all staff and volunteers are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). UMS renews these checks every 3 years.  

This includes a check of the ‘Students Barred List’ and ‘Prohibition Order List’ to ensure that they have not been barred from teaching or working with students and young people.  

In addition, all staff have had checks made to confirm their identity, qualifications and right to work in the UK.  

References are taken which include questions about the person’s suitability to work with students and young people.  

All visiting staff from other organisations (e.g. drugs worker, sports coaches), have also been properly vetted by their employers and confirmation of this is held in UMS records. 

All new staff undergo an induction programme, where they become familiar with policies and procedures relating to safeguarding and welfare issues, such as health and safety, first aid, bullying and students’ protection. All UMS staff receive refresher training in safeguarding annually. 

Students Protection Policy

Urban Mission School have students’ protection policy and procedures in place that are in accordance with locally agreed inter-agency procedures. 

Procedure for dealing with allegations of abuse made against staff or volunteers

UMS has a policy for dealing with allegations of abuse made against staff or volunteers. These procedures comply with the Government’s statutory guidance and locally agreed inter-agency guidance. Details of how to make a complaint can be found in the Client Complaints Procedure below.

Policy review and availability

UMS’s policies and procedures relating to Safeguarding and welfare are reviewed and updated at least annually and are available upon request from any member of UMS staff.


At UMS, we work to provide high quality guidance for students and their families in relation to the dangers of the online digital world. We also provide guidance and support to help stay safe and avoid these risks and dangers.