Parent/Carers’ Survey

    Fields marked with a * are required.
    Your Name (if you wish to remain anonymous, leave blank)
    My child is happy at UMSC*:

    My child feels safe at UMSC*:

    UMSC makes sure its pupils are well behaved*:

    UMSC makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year*:

    UMSC has high expectations for my child*:

    My child does well at UMSC*:

    UMSC lets me know how my child is doing*:

    There is a good range of subjects available to my child at UMSC*:

    My child can take part in clubs and activities at UMSC*:

    UMSC supports my child’s wider personal development*:

    I would recommend UMSC to another parent/carer*:

    If you want to explain any of your answers, please give details here (optional).
    If you want to tell us anything about child protection, please give your name.
    My child has been bullied and UMSC dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively.*:

    When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly.*:

    Does your child have special educational needs or disabilities?*:

    My child has SEND and UMSC gives them the support they need to succeed.*:

    Can you tell us how UMSC has helped your child?*
    Use one or two sentences to explain how UMSC has helped your child. Give examples if you can.