Partnerships with Parents & Carers
Partnerships with parents is a key feature of Urban Mission School’s (UMS) commitment to providing all-round support for your child. We greatly value your support and welcome any questions or comments.
While your child is at UMS, staff here will contact parents or carers frequently with updates on progress and behaviour. Open, two-way communication is encouraged, and parents or carers can contact UMS staff at any time. Each term, parents and carers receive a progress report and are invited to attend a review where further discussion takes place and plans are made for the next steps. At the end of a placement a final review takes place and parents, and carers are invited to attend any Awards Presentation.
Family Support
Our family-centred approach recognises that the family is the central most important element in young people’s lives. In order to effectively make an impact on a young person’s development, education and outcomes it is essential that there is a positive relationship between school and home. Our Senior Therapeutic Practitioner (STP) leads on delivering family work.
Therapeutic Interventions
All staff are trained in Youth Mental Health. We take a holistic approach to young people and their education, this happens by developing the skills, competencies and confidence in young people which support the building of positive relationships with staff, peers and their learning. The school has a commitment to the continuing professional development of all staff to ensure we provide the most up to date and informed practice to support our students and their families.